Friday, January 9, 2015

A second life for "old" curriculum materials

Our school principal, Ms. Preston, spent lots of time lately sorting and discarding old curriculum materials. In light of our relocation, it was the perfect time to clear out unneeded items.

Although, these "uneeded" items are actually needed...and wanted.

In the Takoradi region of Ghana, there is school that receives what Brookstone can't use anymore. Konji (mom of four students enrolled at Brookstone) and her husband gather these materials, and with the support of their church, mail them to the school in Ghana to be used by teachers and students there. They are glad and grateful to give our old curriculum books a second life.

We recently received the letter below from Konji's husband:
This letter is to thank you for your generous gift of books and supplies to our ministry.
S.O.W International Outreach Ministry is a non-profit 501-3C organization that ministers to Strangers, Orphans and Widows.  Our vision and mission is to spread the good news of the Gospel around the globe while engaging community through sponsorship and fund raising that effects the quality education and lifestyle of the single family, low income, the battered, the widow and the homeless in the community.
S.O.W International Outreach Ministry has planted a new church in Ghana- West Africa in the Takoradi region.  The church is currently meeting in Essipom Primary school compound. Since the school has opened their doors to us we in turn sponsor them.  We have also adopted 30 orphans whose life are in great danger without support and care.  We would like to thank Brookstone Schools for their recent generous donation of educational resource materials to the S.O.W International Outreach Ministry in Ghana/Takoradi region. 
These resources are much needed for the teaching staffs and students in Essipom Primary School were most of the orphanage children are receiving their education.  Thank you Brookstone Schools for impacting lives for the Kingdom sake.We are greatful for your gift and look forward for future partnership as together we change the future and the destiny of Strangers, Orphans and Widows one life at a time for all eternity.

May God richly bless you!
Overseer, Pastor Eugene Boakye
S.O.W International Outreach Ministry
All of us at Brookstone are thrilled to play a small role in this educational loop.