Thursday, October 23, 2014

The mailing miracle

One of the roles of the Advancement Office is to communicate information to our supporters. A primary way we do that is through mailings. This week, we had nearly 2,500 letters to mail announcing our new location. The process for getting a letter delivered involves several steps: printing, sorting, folding, stuffing, sealing, sorting again, etc... It's a big job, and we couldn't do it without the help of volunteers.

Typically, we have one dedicated group from Matthews OPC who tackles the mailings. They're efficient and incredibly kind to Brookstone, often showing up and spending the whole day working together to finish the task.

We didn't have them for this week's mailing, and we weren't sure how it would unfold.

On Monday, a few volunteers from the parent group worked alongside two of our Charlotte Fellows, and they were able to complete about 25% of the mailing. On Tuesday morning, the remaining 75% of the work was staring us in the face, and we had absolutely no idea how it would get accomplished. Although it seemed daunting, the four Advancement Team members decided to simply start - taking it piece by piece.

Little did we know that God was sending us helpers.

Seth showed up. Mae came in with Nancy. Meg D. was helping in 1st grade and came after that. Meg H. was here for her lunch buddy's birthday, and she stayed to help. Lynn was here with her lunch buddy, and said she couldn't leave knowing we needed her. Artaevia, Debi and Valerie cheerfully strolled in to seal the envelopes. Elizabeth popped in for a few hours.

With each new face that walked through the door, we felt thankful. What a loving God we serve! He provides for Brookstone in the big and small ways, sending us exactly what we need. When our team wasn't sure how the next 30 minutes would look, we were amazed at the joyful and unexpected display throughout the day.

By 3 pm, the mailing was done! Each piece was neatly in it's bin according to zip code, ready for the post office.

It's a day our team won't forget. It's a lesson that will always be a good reminder.