Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Runway 5K Run

Our Brookstone Running Club ran their first race, a 5K on October 27, at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. Representing Brookstone were 4th grade boys Joseph, Jourden and Micka'l, and 5th grade girls Talajah, Justice and Elisah.

Leading up to the race, the Running Club trained on Mondays and Wednesdays with volunteer coaches Meg Hancock and Lynn Wilkerson. Not only did the students run during practice, but they also participated in character building activities and lessons, and learned to stretch properly.

 "The kids brought Lynn and I so much joy," Hancock said. Coach Hancock learned a great amount of patience and gained appreciation for our Brookstone teachers. She loved spending time with the children.

The coaches were particularly impressed by the turnout for the race. Only one of the students, Enchantiss, was unable to run due to a family commitment. "The parent and family support the day of the race was overwhelming!" said Hancock.

The coaches hope to have greater student turnout for cross-country next year. They would like to participate in a program called Cross-Country for Youth, which would allow the Brookstone team to compete against other elementary school teams.

We are so grateful for our volunteer coaches who gave so generously of their time to teach these students to set goals, persevere and run with joy!